The Change Shop Blog

[Thought Leadership to Lead and Manage Change ]

From time-to-time even the best change leaders can use tips and tricks to help you and your team to think differently about workplace change. TCS Blog is designed to provide insights to spark ideas that can mean the difference between leading change or just slogging through.

2022-01-01 08:33:28    Robert E. Smith, PhD, Founder and CEO, the Change Shop

7 Traits That Separate Leaders From Managers

Most executives were, at previous stages of their careers, managers. Unfortunately, despite raises in pay and responsibility, many executives continue to behave and performance like managers rather than C-level executives.

A manager who can’t shake loose from bygone responsibilities and attitudes puts their career and their organization at risk. Stuck in the past and unable to move forward, an executive with a mana

2021-01-01 15:55:28    Brenda Fox, IT & Technology Writer

What is Organizational Change Management Software and Do You Need It?

Organizational change management (OCM) software ensures your team's commitment and change capacity remain at optimal levels. But what features should you look for when choosing the best software for your business?

Managing organizational change is difficult even in the best of times, layer in a pandemic and the transition to a nearly full remote workforce and the challenges become that much greater. This is where OCM

2020-04-12 06:34:14    Robert E. Smith, PhD, Founder, The Change Shop

Lessons Learned from a Tech Firm's Tech Implementation

San Francisco-based Square is a financial and merchant services aggregator probably best known for its 'Square Reader' that allows users to accept credit card payments on their mobile phone and its other 'little-known' App--CashApp. Despite its status as a Silicon Valley powerhouse, even Square had to deal with technology implementation challenges. Square's People Technology Product Manager, Saumya Chopra shared some l

2019-03-05 06:22:34    Robert E. Smith, PhD, Founder, The Change Shop

“Relentlessly Automating”: A Case Study on Decisions about At-Risk Jobs

Recently, PepsiCo announced plans to lay off a sizable (but as-yet-unknown) number of employees as part of a plan that involves, “relentlessly automating and merging the best of our optimized business models” in the words of CEO Ramon Laguarta

2019-03-04 09:01:56    Ricky Arredondo, IT & Healthcare Industry Change Management Expert

Change Management Approach to Achieve Healthcare IT Adoption

Reform-driven “disruptions” or changes continue to impact healthcare’s transparency and cost-control efforts. Both transparency and cost-control efforts support IT spending, smarter analytics, and expansion of products and service lines beyond traditional partnership models. Both are also a catalyst for consolidation of operations and initiatives to transform hospitals into new deliv

2019-02-11 09:01:09    Brenda Fox, IT & Technology Writer

Change Management, Meet Change Analytics

Article Highlights

  • Compared to the average of leaders in every other function, HR leaders say they are 36% less effective at anticipating and reacting to high-speed change.

2018-12-02 15:49:25    Robert E. Smith, PhD, Founder, The Change Shop

How to Improve Organizational Change Leadership - 3 Steps to Success

Leaders often lament the fact that change resistance keeps their organizations stuck in the past slowing down much-needed changes. This is true despite the fact that research firm, Gartner shows that 73% of organizations expect more change initiatives

2018-11-08 11:05:22    Robert E. Smith, PhD, Founder, The Change Shop

What the Transition to ‘Open Offices’ Reveals about People’s Reactions to Change

I was reading a great article on people’s reactions to open office plans. It cau

2018-11-06 07:56:56    Robert E. Smith, PhD, Founder, The Change Shop

Hiring Change Management Consultants vs. D-I-Y Organizational Change

The conversation about organizational change management has begun to shift—it’s no longer a “fad” but an ongoing movement that organizations large and small are adopting. This has led CEOs and Human Resource leaders to question whether to look externally to have a consultancy help them with their workplace change initiatives or find peo

2018-08-09 08:12:46    Robert E. Smith, PhD, Founder, The Change Shop

3 Annoying (but common) Reasons People Resist Change

One of the things change agents try to avoid like the plague are change failures. Not only are failed change initiatives bad for the organization you might be working in or consulting for, its simply not great reputation-wise to have change failures in your wake. No matter what, trying and failing to l

2017-03-16 23:52:58    Robert E. Smith, PhD, Founder, The Change Shop

The Change [Middle] Manager's Dilemma

I used to be a lot like you. When I was working as a full-time change management consultant for the world’s largest management consulting firm, I was the quintessential middle manager. By day, I was providing expert consulting advice to global leaders who’s organizations were undergoing massive and complex transformations yet I also dealt with the typical admin

2017-03-16 23:46:46    Robert E. Smith, PhD, Founder, The Change Shop

Challenger vs Defender Leadership Roles when Leading Organizational Change


Successful transformational change often begins (and ends) with effective change leadership. Organizations that select the right person or team to lead their change efforts will reap the rewards in terms of higher levels of change commitment and less employee resistanc